Why every landscaper should consider owning a hydroseeder

Why every landscaper should consider owning a hydroseeder

Owning a VORTEC® hydroseeder can provide significant benefits to those who regularly perform landscaping projects. Here are some reasons why every landscaper should consider owning a hydroseeder:

Greater efficiency

Hydroseeding equipment can cover large areas quickly and efficiently, allowing landscapers to complete projects in less time than traditional methods.

Improved plant growth

Hydroseeding can improve plant growth and establishment, as the seed and fertilizer are mixed with a slurry that provides a moist environment for germination and early growth.


Hydroseeding equipment can be used to apply a variety of materials, including seed, fertilizer, and mulch, making it a versatile tool for different types of projects.

Reduced labour costs

Hydroseeding equipment requires fewer workers to operate compared to traditional methods, reducing labour costs, and increasing efficiency.

Environmental benefits

Hydroseeding can help prevent erosion and promote soil stabilization, reducing the risk of runoff and other environmental hazards.


Hydroseeding is generally more cost-effective than other methods, such as sodding or hand seeding, which can be especially beneficial for larger projects.

Improved accuracy

Hydroseeding equipment can provide precise application of materials, ensuring even coverage and optimal growing conditions. Overall, owning a hydroseeder can provide significant benefits for landscapers, from increased efficiency and accuracy to environmental and cost benefits. It’s important to evaluate the specific needs and requirements of your projects before making a purchasing decision, to ensure that you choose the right hydroseeder for the job.

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