Polymer Soil Binders for dust suppression

P1200 Polymer Emulsion Sprayers

Polymer Soil Binders for dust suppression

Polymer Soil binders are a very versatile type of dust suppression product. Polymer soil binders are used to control dust in a variety of settings, including construction sites, mining operations, and unpaved roads. Here are some benefits of using Polymer soil binders for dust suppression over using water:


Longer lasting

Soil binders provide longer-lasting dust suppression compared to water. Water evaporates quickly and requires frequent re-application. Frequent re-application results in significantly higher operational costs and increased emissions.


More effective

Soil binders provide more effective dust control than water by binding soil particles together. This reduces the amount of dust that can be generated and also controls erosion.


Reduced water usage

Soil binders require less water than traditional dust suppression methods, reducing water usage and associated costs.



Soil binders are used on a variety of surfaces, including gravel roads, cleared land, unpaved parking lots, stockpiles, and construction sites.


Reduced maintenance

Once applied, soil binders require little maintenance. This results in a cost-effective and low-maintenance solution for dust suppression.


Environmental benefits

Soil binders are typically environmentally friendly and help to reduce the risk of environmental damage due to dust generation and soil erosion. Less applications compared to water can also result in significantly lower emissions over the duration of a project.


Polymer Binder Application Equipment

Polymers soil binders become very costly when applied with standard water pumps or water carts. Due to the high-speed operation of traditional water pumps, the polymer begins to shear and builds up within the pump to lead to premature failure. After hearing numerous reports of contractors spending thousands of dollars on new pumps and equipment, we set out to find a solution. Thus the Vortec P-series was born, a system designed, warranted and well-proven in the application of polymer binders!


Find out more on the VORTEC P-Series range here. https://www.vortecglobal.com/polymer-sprayers/


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