Hydroseeding Techniques

Hydroseeding Techniques

Hydroseeding Techniques

Importance of Hydroseeding Technique

Is it correct that how you hydroseed determines the success? Not necessarily. Hydroseeding is very forgiving and as long as you have a reasonably even application and have material applied at the right application rate the odds of success are very good.

Spraying Techniques

Spraying Out

Some people like to spray out. Spraying somewhere close to horizontal will give you the best build up of a mulch layer compared to other techniques. Some hold the hose over their shoulder which is a very comfortable way to hydroseed and gives great control.

Spraying Down

Sometimes spraying down (pointing the hose directly at the ground) is a good option. The concept of this style of hydroseeding is that it will bury the seed deeper than spraying out. With the seed deeper, it will be in an area where water is retained better. The negative is that the mulch will also be deeper in the soil and won’t shield the soil from the sun as much.

Combination Technique

Sometimes a combination of the two is used. This consists of making a pass pointing down and then spraying out to build up a protective layer of mulch. This is often regarded as an excellent choice but most any technique is capable of producing a beautiful lawn.

Trimming and Large Areas


Trimming is easy when hydroseeding. By closing the gun valve a little over half way and holding the gun close to the surface you can trim with precision. When trimming close to walks and buildings it is better to point the gun vertical and not towards the objects you are trimming around.

Platform Guns

Platform guns are always a great way to seed large open areas quickly and require less effort than using a hose. Platform guns usually have a narrow spray pattern or a straight stream nozzle however a V-jet style nozzle is also available for working close to your machine to ensure an even layer of mulch. A straight nozzle will spread as it get further from the gun.

Looking for the right Hydroseeder? Find more information here.

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